Is your spouse, life partner, or family member ready?
There are consequences for not being ready for an end-of-life event.
We are here to help avoid these consequences through our no cost My Book.

Consequences for not being ready!

  • Finance

    They may default on payments and incur late fees. They may not be collecting the maximum amount of Social Security benefits to which they are entitled.

  • Legal

    They may have to go through probate court and have a judge determine how their estate will be distributed. A judge may determine what their final health care will be. Family members may squabble over how long they should be kept alive.

  • Devices and Passwords

    They may not be able to access your phone or computer, thus not allowing two-step verification for accounts. They may not know all the needed passwords rendering devices unusable.

  • Home Management

    The mortgage could go into default if not paid. The home may go into disrepair. They may not be able to operate the smart home features.

  • Grieving and Spirituality

    They may become inactive and not seek help with your grieving. It may be difficult for them to call on God for help if they have not spoken with Him recently.

I thought I was prepared when my wife died.

I am Dennis Larson, and because of my own experience, I founded this nonprofit corporation, End Of Life Ready, Inc. I did this to bring an online solution for you and your spouse to help prepare each other for the uncertain time when we leave this world.

I could pay the bills and maintain the house. We had all our legal documents completed. Then I found so much more that I needed to do.

Too many people, after the passing of their loved one, must figure out, on their own, how to assume all the responsibilities that it takes to keep their lifestyle going. They are left to do this at a time when they are experiencing the number one stress factor in a person's life, the death of a loved one.

I wish I had a way to prepare you for the final separation from your loved one, but I do not. However, I can prepare you to be able to avoid the consequences of not being prepared.

We have a solution!

MY BOOK for End OF Life Readiness is the solution!

You have now seen the need for end-of-life readiness planning. The next page introduces you to the cost-free digital book, MY BOOK for End Of Life Readiness. When you have filled in the pages and compiled your personal MY BOOK for End Of Life Readiness, you can rest easy knowing you have done everything you can do to smooth the transition for your loved ones.

Click the LEARN MORE button below to review the information and get your free MY BOOK now. This is where the real gift is.

You can do this! We will be here to encourage and help you along the way.
We want you to have such a wonderful experience that you will want to tell everyone about it.

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